Max & Logan had a great time visiting the grandparents~this picture is Abigail driving Max around B-ville.
Gregg and Max bought this memory stone, since my 2 beautiful trees didn't make it through last years hot summer they bought this to replace them. It is beautiful and I placed it where I planted Brie's tree. Max said they got this because it couldn't die...and it really means alot. Lyla was visiting and she helped me place sea shells all around :)
this was my lil guys first taste of rice cereal and he absolutely loves it!!!

I love this picture my friend took on the 4th of July
Lyla and Logan are some funny cousins. I am so grateful to get Lyla to visit during the summer~it is so funny to watch them... they kept me laughing all week
Bryan's face cracks me up

Max got a NEW trombone this summer and today I dropped him off at Drum Camp~
Love to see his passion for music~
I couldn't get Lyla a horse to ride but we did get to ride a pregnant donkey!!! She loves horses so that is my goal for next year FIND A HORSE. This summer has been busy and wonderful..we miss Zach who is in summer school.