I can't find my camera at the moment but yesterday was huge for the Flynn's as there was total destruction on either side of our HOMETOWN Road. 1/2 a mile on either side was hit by a huge tornado and several families have lost EVERYTHING. We have a storm shelter and I can't express how comforted I was last night as we hid away in our underground safe house. We didn't realize it when we came out that it was as bad as it really was~ our neighbors homes ARE GONE ~nothing GONE.
When we got out of the cellar nothing was wrong with our house, our yard ,our cars ~everything was wonderful. We couldn't get a hold of our neighbors so we drove down the road.... at first we were even joking about how serious everyone was about this tornado. Then we drove just a bit further and devastation... houses GONE... nothing left. Everyone was safe no deaths. Our street was on local and NATIONAL news. We obviously have power and we are super grateful to be here and have our wonderful home. Please pray for my neighbors on hometown road~ storms are expected tomorrow as well....