Saturday, May 29, 2010

hangin around

I love this sign my friend in Phoenix gave us when we got married~ We are so happy to hang it right by our front door~ thanks Kim~
Max is happy about the clock~ we accounted for the trim that will be up eventually

Our room has this beautiful painting that my Nana True painted~ I just love it and find it so romantic ;)

Hanging my favorite picture and beer sign~ it made me so happy. I think they look so great against that brick wall.

The front porch ceiling is painted and it looks amazing!

It really brings out the color of the door~We are enjoying spending this weekend getting things ready for Lyla's visit! She is coming tomorrow we have a special surprise princess tent for her and for Violet when they come to visit in a couple of weeks~

Thursday, May 27, 2010

We have come a long way

I love looking back to the pictures a FEW months ago~ Oh my how things have changed~

Still finding the right spot for things, the counter tops and kitchen sink will be installed on JUNE 8th~ once that is finished and the plumber hooks up the other bathroom I will really UNPACK~ So far I have been hesitant to put anything anywhere. I have only hung one picture and that is OK. I just have the rest sitting where I think they will look best.

I will get Lyla on Sunday ~then after her visit my Dad, Gma Lyn, sisters and nieces are coming for a visit ;) I am very excited to show off our hard work.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

fruit tree and a MONKEY cat

This year for Mother's Day the boys got me a JACK LALANNE juicer!!! I have always wanted one and used to watch the entire infomercial every time I saw it on TV. My Poppa Max used to watch his workouts on TV in the 50's~ I think that is what helped him stay so fit all of his life. SO I AM THRILLED and love having fresh juice in the morning.

While my Mom was visiting we were supposed to plant a tree~ it rained and we just never got to it but while she was walking around my yard she noticed I have a fruit tree growing!!!

We think it is a PEAR tree

The kids down the street also confirmed our Pear tree assessment and they would know better than me ;) Thanks Kenzi and Cobi~ I am ready to make some fresh fruit tree juice I have a recipe no matter the fruit~ there is a bunch of it growing ;)

This is Monkey she was Brie's cat~I must say I am SOOOO happy to have Monkey with us~ she has been catching and fighting rats that are the size of my puppy Fiona!!!!!! I am so serious these rats are HUGE country rats and she is an awesome hunter cat!!

Rusty just got groomed the other day and he is thrilled to have another outside companion~ We all welcome Monkey and may she catch MANY rats ;)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

family weekend

Serious Lyla Jewel

Jedi Logan

These two are soo funny they sat on the back porch and clinked cups and said "CHEERS"~

Protecting Lyla

My Mom fell in love with Fiona ;) I just knew I picked a good doggie ~ Now it is official Nanny LOVES her :)

Max is a huge hit with these 2 they played and played~ It was a great weekend. I was so happy to show the house to Nanny, Bawpa and Lyla. WE can't wait to keep Lyla for 2 weeks this summer we are going to have so much.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

oklahoma tornadoes

I can't find my camera at the moment but yesterday was huge for the Flynn's as there was total destruction on either side of our HOMETOWN Road. 1/2 a mile on either side was hit by a huge tornado and several families have lost EVERYTHING. We have a storm shelter and I can't express how comforted I was last night as we hid away in our underground safe house. We didn't realize it when we came out that it was as bad as it really was~ our neighbors homes ARE GONE ~nothing GONE.
When we got out of the cellar nothing was wrong with our house, our yard ,our cars ~everything was wonderful. We couldn't get a hold of our neighbors so we drove down the road.... at first we were even joking about how serious everyone was about this tornado. Then we drove just a bit further and devastation... houses GONE... nothing left. Everyone was safe no deaths. Our street was on local and NATIONAL news. We obviously have power and we are super grateful to be here and have our wonderful home. Please pray for my neighbors on hometown road~ storms are expected tomorrow as well....

Friday, May 7, 2010

Introducing the best puppy EVER

Fiona Freckles "Sister" Flynn

She truly is a great puppy~I am not just saying that~ Gregg's wasn't too thrilled about her at first but NOW he is wrapped ~she is really the best puppy either of us has ever had.

My Little girl~

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

In Like Flynn

Our one and only neighbor has LOTS of cattle and he lets them in his yard next to us. It is AWESOME to see these animals close up and so close to our house.

We are HOME on Hometown Road!! I have been offline for days getting lost in the wonderfulness of my home. More pictures to come I just found my camera charger!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my washer and dryer and I just am in a dream world !!!