Gardening makes me think of my Nana True~ I would help her in her garden when I was little and I found myself thinking of her during my 1st planting season.

Here are some pics of the growing garden~ now that the chickens are out in the pen the dogs are sort of running all over the new plants ;( so we will see what actually comes up this year~it is awesome to watch the growth~planting seeds and watering just proves to be amazing to me how this grows so easily. Makes me feel closer to God somehow.

Yes the chickens are out in the coop...outside. This makes me nervous but we were thinking if we waited any longer we may not catch them to get them into the coop~ they are super fast. The dogs circle the cage
soooo interested and they so want to have chicken dinner~ we are trying to teach them that these are our pets too but..... not in my control.

Even the camera is not in my control Logan loves getting crazy shots of all of us and his toys.
It is May I have lots to celebrate~ Our 5 year wedding anniversary, Zach's graduation, our lovely home, health, happiness and so much more. This is also the same month 2 years ago I lost my baby sister. It still brings pain, though it is not as hard and not as painful... it still hurts~
When my children were small I couldn't wait for them to crawl, walk, learn words, read or dress themselves. The whole time I was thinking parenting was going to get easier along with their new Independence. In fact it is the opposite ~the letting go of my control over them is hard. I keep realizing that I need to KNOW that God is in control and I am NOT!!
I did have CONTROL over all my boys yesterday as I went and had our family portraits done~ We had an amazing photographer and I can't wait to see how they turned out.