I have been home for the past few weeks with health issues~ the Dr. is not realeasing me to go back to work~ Which is fine by me. I was in the hospital again last Thursday and I finally passed 1 of the 2 kidney stones that is in my bladder. It is definitely more difficult to be pregnant when you are older or at least it seems to be more difficult. This pregnancy seems so hard, I am so tired, been so sick but I am also sooo excited to meet our new guy. It seems we have had so much loss in the past few years this lil blessing has me excited and overjoyed I almost can't contain myself. So I spend the past few days sitting by a lovely fire and knitting this cute munchkin hat. It had been sooo long since I pulled out those knitting needles I actually had to pull up a video to help get me started~ Now I will spend my time planning for this huge baby shower my Best friend Missy is planning at the end of the month.