The new addition to our ever growing family is Rusty~ you see him running happily with Zep following. The McCleskey's watched Zep all this time for us and he made friends with ole Rusty. SO Rusty is now retiring to the country :)

Doesn't that little house look cute out in the yard :)

Fence is finished and looks amazing~ I love being able to lock the animals (Logan included) in the back yard.

We are going to put siding up on this back part and build back stairs.

I absolutely LOVE this tree. I never knew it would bloom and be so beautiful, when we started looking at the house it looked scary and dead.

Other side of the house with the fence up :)

Back windows are WONDERFUL.

SO this will be the dining room.

Walls are all up except in the bathroom the plumber is still hooking the tubs and toilets up.

Proud Daddy
I've really really loved seeing this all come together. You have to be so psyched. The fence looks great, as do the back windows and that tree! And you will be happy you have two dogs. :) They will keep each other company. Hooray!
Yeah, 2 dogs are great company for each other! I am just so amazed how quickly everything is going. I cannot wait to come visit!
I love all of those windows!!! Every day must be so exciting to see the progress!
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