First and most importantly WELCOME Aurora
Brielle Waugh. My sister kindly had her on Gregg's Birthday what a beautiful gift~

While Tara was in Labor we were painting

Logan wanted to help
sooo badly inside our house that we switched his focus to painting his play house. He was thrilled and it kept him occupied for about 30 minutes

Such a good painter just like his Daddy!

So serious

My husband is such a good painter ~ I enjoy watching him at his craft

This is the view from my front door~
lookin good!

We are so excited and should be moved in by Monday the 26th!!! Kitchen cabinets are being started today!!!!!
Michaela, I think Logan looks so much like you in these pics! I love how focused he is on that painting: what a little worker bee! :) And the house is looking awesome. So exciting about Aurora! You guys have a lot of good stuff going on.
You DO have a lot of exciting stuff going on right now! Tell Logan not to feel bad, my husband won't let me paint the inside of the house, either!
30 minutes! That is a long time for a 3 year old to be occupied! His hair is getting so dark! Cutie!
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