This Spring Break we had tons of visitors ~Poppa,Grandma, Abigial and Kyra (the exchange student living with the McKee's~ Kyra is from Germany and we learned lots from her) More Pictures to come...waiting on Abigail to send them :)

We were also blessed to have my Mom come out for several days to help me with the boys. Zach also took some spring break time to come visit us as well :)

Love this picture~ Love looking at his red hair in the sunlight~

These 2 cousins are so silly~ I loved to hear all the laughter and running around

So....now I am back in baby land~ which include the sleepless nights (we are up every 2-3 hours), baby puke and breast milk covering my shirts. But despite the delirious state that I am in~I have fallen in LOVE and I can sit and stare are him for hours...
he is BEAUTIFUL. thanks for all the pics. I am so happy for you guys. He and Frank would be buddies with their red hair. :)
So sweet. Hope you get some sleep soon!
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